Using non-alcoholic, functional and hemp drinks for health

Using non-alcoholic, functional and hemp drinks for health

It's no secret that non-alcoholic, hemp and functional beverages are becoming more and more popular. I have been tasting and trying them for a couple years now and they have become a regular part of my drinking arsenal. You can now find non-alcoholic beers, wines and spirits that taste just as good as the real deal, but without all the calories, alcohol or negative effects. Hemp and other functional beverages are also super rad and offer a variety of options to choose from. I encourage you to try different types, brands and flavors to see what your personal preferences are. We offer an array of options and with our mix and match shopping experience you can do just that. Head over to our marketplace to get started.

Benefits of non-alcoholic, functional and hemp beverages:

  • No hangover! This is a big one for me. Especially when I stuff to do the next day. Early morning hikes, ski runs and travels are so much easier when your body is not fighting dehydration, anxiety and the other affects of alcohol. 
  • Drinking less for health. Alcohol can wreck havoc on your mental and physical health. Using n/a options as replacements or in-between drinks is a great way to cut down while still imbibing. 
  • Safety and alertness. Whether it is being the designated driver, unofficial lifeguard at the lake, shuttle runner, babysitter or trip leader having a clear and alert mind and body is a must. The awesome part about non-alcoholic beverages is that you can still enjoy a drink or two with your crew and remain properly functioning. 
  • Training and fitness. Working out and staying (or getting into) shape is hard. If you are putting in the effort and hours to keep your body healthy why sabotage it with alcohol? Non-alcoholic options are a great way to enjoy a beverage while still staying on your fitness routine and keeping healthy. Some options like Best Day Brewing's Electro-Lime Cerca De Cerveza even have electrolytes in it! 

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