All the cool kids are walking for fitness

All the cool kids are walking for fitness

This is not medical advice. Please consult your doctor before starting any fitness routine.
Anyone else imagine a group of 90's soccer moms in stretchy pants carrying water bottles when they think about walking for fitness? Well, turns out they were right about walking for their health (though their fashion choices are still in question). Adding a good stroll to your daily habits is a pretty cool way to increase your health, and, believe it or not, can be fun too. It may not be the most glamorous fitness routine, but what it lacks in glamour it makes up for in overall health and wellbeing. You don't need a gym membership, personal trainer or fitness club to start a walking program. Pop on some comfortable shoes and step to it. Walking is for all types of bodies and celebrates EVERYbody. Don't compare yourself to others or think that you have to look or walk a certain way. You do you and be happy in the routine that you create. 

Getting your walk on health wise is rad! For reals you ask? Yes, here are some of the top health benefits of walking regularly:

  • Hitting even 4,000 steps a day can reduce the risk of dying prematurely 

  • Walking effectively increases energy and calorie expenditure over time

  • Physical benefits including weight loss, heart health, regulation of blood pressure, increased bone strength, joint flexibility, immune function and reduced stress

  • Even ten minutes of walking can increase your mental alertness, energy levels and positive mood

  •  Exercises, such as brisk walking, increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, triggering the release of endorphins and serotonin ("feel good" hormones) 

Walking can be done alone or with others, and finding what works for you is the best way to stick with it. If you're like me, a good walk with an audiobook, Spotify playlist or simply listening to nature is the best way to stroll. However, I have had many good walks with friends and family, and having company sometimes can be pretty fun too (also if you are someone that needs accountability to stay on track having a buddy or group to walk with is a great tool).

I have started walking more now that the heat of summer is over and already feel more alert and have a better overall mood. Whether you are just starting a fitness routine or already participating in one adding walking is a great idea. Go get out there and try it! 



  1. BBC news: Fewer than 5,000 steps a day enough to boost health
  2. Good Housekeeping: Scientists Say You Can Walk Way Less Than 10,000 Steps to Say Healthy 
  3. Stylecraze article 12 Amazing Benefits of Walking and Useful Tips
  4. What impact does physical activity have on well-being?
  5. article 



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