Spring into the outdoors this season

Spring into the outdoors this season

Spring is here and I am stoked. Don't get me wrong, I love all the seasons, but spring is always a favorite. Why? It is warm but not hot, there is plenty of daylight for longer activities, you can ski one day and mountain bike the next, flowers are blooming, nature is waking up and for some reason the air just seems fresh and alive. Spring is a great time to refocus on your health and wellness. Whether you are training for an event, working up stamina to conquer trails this summer or simply just trying to move more spring is a great time to get started. Here are some ideas to get you going:

  • Get up, get out and get walking. I promote walking all the time because it doesn't require lots of equipment, pricey memberships or a high level of expertise. A decent pair of athletic shoes, some time and a safe place to stroll is all it takes to get going. Making walking a part of your daily life is a simple and effective way to get active, and it can have positive mental health benefits too. 
  • Go see the wild flowers in bloom. Check your local area for recommendation and then plan a trip to get out and enjoy the blooms. It's a beautiful and fun way to enjoy nature and, from my experiences, makes for a great day adventure.
  • Go explore your local farmer's markets and other events. Check out what your local growers are selling, support a local vendor or artist and have fun while celebrating your community. 
  • Plan and prepare for getting your green thumb dirty. Planting season is almost here and there is something pretty cool about planting, nurturing and enjoying something that you grew. Small container gardens are great if you are limited in space and I have had great success with them in the past while living in small apartments. If you have a larger yard or space to work with consider adding a flower or vegetable garden. All I can say is that a tomato grown in my garden always tastes better than the one I bought at the store. If you can't grow anything then refer to the point above and go support your local growers and farmers. 

I am excited and hope you are too as spring is here and awaits us! Get outside, go have some fun and enjoy nature as it wakes up and comes to life. Spring on!

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